The IMPULSE Wireless Optim on-time running platform for bus services allows upload of a number of different files to assist in performance analysis, particularly in comparing actual performance with measured performance from the public transport authority (such as Transport for NSW).

Accepted files are ODIN OTR and DDR (.xls or .xlsx); schedule/allocations (.csv or .json).

Steps to upload your files:

1. Log in to Optim using your credentials.  If you don't have a login or can't remember your details, please contact us on 02 8705 3778 or

2. Use the menu on the left to navigate to "Upload XLSX"

3. Click on Choose File. A file selection window will open. You can choose multiple files to upload at the same time by holding CTRL while selecting your desired files in the selection window.

4. Click Open and then back in Optim, click "Upload File"

5. The "Upload File" box will indicate "File Uploading..." while the file is uploading. The amount of time this takes will depend on the size of the file. When the upload is complete, this box will change back to "Upload File". At this point, there is no other feedback your file(s) have been uploaded, but there will be additional feedback in an update in the very near future. For now, please contact us if you have uploaded files and need to verify that they have been received correctly.

6. Once the files have been processed into the Optim database, you will receive an email telling you the result.