Find Bus Map (find vehicle map) - IMPULSE Wireless GPS tracking

Find Bus Map (find vehicle map) - IMPULSE Wireless GPS tracking

On the Group (depot) map, you will always feel up-to-date, because pushpins change and disappear if the information is out-of-date.

  • After 30 minutes with no position report, a vehicle's pushpin on the Group Map turns a translucent grey, so you know the location is more than 30 minutes old.
  • After 24 hours with no position report, the vehicle disappers from the map, so you're not looking at outdated data.

These apply to the Group Map (Depot Map for bus operators), where you will see all vehicles' latest positions on a map.

What if you need to see the last known location of a vehicle which hasn't reported in for more than 24 hours?

You can do this by using the "Find Bus" map.

(1) click on the blue magnifying glass button, which will open the Find Vehicle map in a popup so you won't lose what you're doing; or
(2) hover over "mapping" and select "Find Vehicle" to open the Find Vehicle map.


Start typing the vehicle number in the dropdown at the top left, and the list will filter as you type. Click on the selected vehicle, and its last known location will be displayed on the map as well as its status information.