Obtaining GPS historical reports, including on a map

Obtaining GPS historical reports, including on a map

IMPULSE Wireless full-featured GPS tracking services allow you to show historical replays of where tracked devices or vehicles have been. This is obtained through the web portal.

To see historical tracking shown on a map, follow these steps. To generate a report, see further down.

1.Log in to the IMPULSE Wireless tracking portal with your credentials

2. Navigate to "Vehicle map", either through the main menu or via the tabs at the top of the screen.

3. Using the drop-down menu at top left, or by clicking on a device icon in the status page, select the device to track.

3. Using the "From" and "To" calendars on the right-hand side of the screen, set a date range for which you wish to see the historical data. Set the desired from and to time range on the clocks as well (in 24-hour time).

Before selecting a chosen timeframe, the default will be the current day (or the last day the device was active, if not today). This can be changed to cover the time period you choose.

Then click "Update" just below the calendars, and the map will zoom to an appropriate level and show the track. Note it could take five seconds or more to display if there are a very large number of pins in the track.

To generate tracking reports, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the IMPULSE Wireless tracking portal with your credentials

2. Navigate to "Reports" and "Vehicle Detail", either through the main menu or via the tabs at the top of the screen.

3. On the left, select your chosen vehicle with the drop-down menu, and chosen time frame via the calendars and 24-hour clocks.

4. Select your chosen report. Most commonly used reports are "event detail" and "trip report detail [based on MOTION start/stop status codes]. The useful reports will be dependent on the settings of your tracked devices and how much extra information they are reporting.

4. Select the format of your report, then click "Get Report:

    - "HTML" displays the report directly

    - "CSV" downloads a CSV file useful for importing into Excel for sorting and further analysis

    - "XML" downloads an XML file useful for further analysis

    - "Email" lets you enter one or more email addresses (separated by commas) to send the report in HTML format