Obtaining voice recordings, searching through the CallBank for a bus or fleet ID

Obtaining voice recordings, searching through the CallBank for a bus or fleet ID

IMPULSE Wireless transmissions may be recorded on a centralised voice recorder. Obtaining voice recordings is simple, using a web interface.

If you use the CallBank, you may wish to find the exact time of interest. Below are the steps to follow for finding recordings relating to vehicle ID 1234.

In the IMPULSE Wireless CallBank screen, hover over the "Reports" tab and select "Depot Detail" or "Group Detail"

- In the dropdown menu at the top left, check the boxes for your selected depot(s) or group(s)

- Set the timeframe for the report using the calendar

- Select "CallBank report (by Group)"

- Ensure "HTML" is selected as the report format, to display the report in your web browser. Then click "Get Report".

You will now be presented with a table showing the incoming call requests, how long the drivers waited for a response, the time the requests were answered, calls terminated, the operator and talkgroup, and the location of the vehicle when the call request was sent. Press ctrl+F and type the vehicle ID to search for the vehicle ID of interest, and note the "Added to TlkGroup" time. This was the time the radio was "opened".

Log into the Oi Admin portal, which is the voice dispatch system. Select "Recordings" from the left menu. If you don't know the details or how to log in, please contactus on 02 8705 3778 or support@impulsewireless.com.au.

You may filter the results by putting in start and finish times, and also by entering a talkgroup or user name in the "Search" box. Clicking on the column headers will sort the recordings by that column.

Use the time which you found in the CallBank report above to set a timeframe listen to the relevant recordings. When entering into the calendar, the "From" time cannot be after the "To" time, so make sure you adjust the right time first so your entries are accepted.

If you have questions, please contact us on 02 8705 3778 or support@impulsewireless.com.au

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