Viewing CallBank history - live and reports

Viewing CallBank history - live and reports

When using the IMPULSE Wireless CallBank, you may wish to view the radios you spoke with recently. You can do this in two ways.

The CallBank History map window will show the last four hours of history.Hover over the "Mapping" tab, then click on "CallBank History."

If you require history previous to the last four hours, hover over the "Reports" tab then click "Depot Detail."

1. Select your desired group(s)

2. Select your dates and times. The calendars will default to the current day (whole of day), but you can choose any timeframe you wish

3. Select "CallBank Report (by group)"

4. Click "Get Report" for it to be displayed in your browser

The dropdown menu next to "Get Report" will allow you to view the report in your browser (HTML), download a file (CSV or XML), or have an HTML and CSV file emailed to you (select "Email," type in the desired email addresses, then click "Get Report").

The CallBank report is quite detailed, and includes the priority level of the call, the time and location of the bus when the call was requested, the operator who took the call, the wait time before the call was taken, the duration of the call, and the disconnect reason (eg. normal hangup or other operator disconnected the call).

If you have questions please contact us on 02 8705 3778 or

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